Finnick Group Managing Director Chris Stock is pleased to announce the promotion of Matthew Magovern, previously Production Manager for Typecraft (Cheltenham)Ltd.
Matt will now be Operations Director for both Typecraft ( Cheltenham) Ltd and Mark Latchford Large Screen & Digital Print Ltd both based in Cheltenham..
“Matts contribution to Typecraft’s growth over the last 6 years has been immense. Over the past three years turnover has increased by over 75%, which in the current climate is remarkable. Matt is a major part of our success and this does not go unrecognised. Our recent acquisition of Mark Latchford has highlighted how pivotal he is within our group, blending these companies was at first a daunting task but Matt has juggled both companies remarkably and also managed to maintain the high quality and fast turnaround that we are renowned for.
Matt’s commitment to not only these two Companies but Finnick Group as a whole is unchallenged and I look forward working with Matt to continue the high level growth of previous years.
We understand that a lot of printing terms are hard to understand so feel free to give us a call today on 01242 518191 to speak to one of our experts. Alternatively you can email us at [email protected].